Encrypting data with eCryptfs


Encryption is probably the best way to secure sensitive data and protect your private files from unauthorized access. eCryptfs is a Linux tool to create an encrypted directory (user home directory encryption is also supported, see below). eCryptfs acts as a stacked filesystem and it works by mounting an encrypted directory to another unencrypted mount point at runtime.
This is also a topic for LPIC-303 exam:
331.3 Encrypted File Systems
  • Use eCryptfs to encrypt file systems, including home directories and PAM integration


sudo apt-get install ecryptfs-utils

ecryptfs-utils package installation example (Ubuntu).

Creating an encrypted directory

sudo mount -t ecryptfs ~/private/ ~/private/

Using mount command and selecting ecryptfs as the filesystem. 

Encrypting home directory

sudo ecryptfs-migrate-home -u test

Note: user has to be logged out during this operation. 
















PAM integration

There is a pam module called pam_ecryptfs, which can be used to unwrap an ecryptfs mount passphrase stored in ~/.ecryptfs/passphrase and automatically mount a protected directory.

auth    required        pam_ecryptfs.so unwrap

session optional        pam_ecryptfs.so unwrap


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