Splunk, Auth0 and SAML SSO - part 2: Splunk configuration

In my previous blog post we have configured Auth0 as Identity Provider for Splunk using SAML protocol. Now it is time to configure Splunk. 

  1. As Splunk admin user, go to Settings / Authentication Methods. SAML is available as one of the external authentication methods. Select it.

  2. Click SAML Settings and the green button SAML configuration.

  3. Import IdP meta file. It is going to populate most of the fields for you. Still, there are a few settings that require manual adjustment.

    General Settings
    Entity ID: https://<your-splunk.com> - just enter your Splunk instance URL
    Advanced Settings
    Fully qualified domain name or IP of the load balancer: https://<your-splunk.com> - make sure this is correct; for instance you would like to have your FQDN here instead of container name
    Redirect port - load balancer port: 8000 - Splunk Web UI port


  4. You need to also set up aliases for SAML attributes containing realName, mail and role.
    Role alias: http://schemas.auth0.com/rolez - or anything else you have set up; role is populated by JS rule we have added in Auth0 Auth Pipeline.
    RealName alias: http://schemas.auth0.com/nickname - "Name" property in Auth0 User Details.
    Mail alias: http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/emailaddress

  5. Wondering how I got these aliases? You can see your SAML token attributes via Auth0 dashboard: Applications / YourApp / Addons / SAML2 WEB APP / Settings / Debug button.

  6. Click Save button to finish SAML configuration. 
  7. The last step is to add group mappings. Click New Group button from the main SAML configuration dashboard in Splunk.

  8. Create the same groups you have added last time in Auth0 and assign Splunk roles to them. Done!

  9. Now you are going to be redirected to Auth0 when trying to access Splunk URL. You can test it by opening a new browser window in "Private mode".

  10. Congratulations! You are now logged in by SAML auth.


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