OpenSSL: demystifying command line parameters

Creating a certificate using openssl is a task that most IT Admins will face sooner or later. SSL/TLS is often used to secure communications between browser and web server - but that's not the only use case. Certificates can be used by Log Management/SIEM Engineers to protect data in transit by establishing secure links between system components (note: TLS mutual authentication is also desired in this scenario to ensure data integrity). 
Eventually, understanding openssl is an important topic for LPIC-303 exam (and the primary reason that encouraged me to write this post, to be honest). 

Creating a private key

openssl genrsa -des3 -out priv.key 2048

genrsa    generate an RSA private key

-des3    use 3DES cipher to encrypt the key; passphrase is required

-out <filename>    output the key to the specified file

[numbits] 2048    the size of the private key to generate in bits; 2048 is the default one but you should consider 4096 key length, see this excellent blog post from  Daniel Pocock to learn more


Creating a self signed certificate

This command may be used to generate a test certificate or a self signed root CA.

openssl req -new -x509 -key priv.key -out cert.pem -days 360 -set_serial 123456

req    creates and processes certificate requests in PKCS#10 format

-new    generates a new certificate request; it will prompt the user for the relevant field values

-x509    outputs a self signed certificate

-key <filename>    the file to read the private key from

 -out <filename>    specifies the output filename

-days <number>    the certificate expires after this number of days; default is 30

-set_serial <number>    certificate serial number; unless this option is specified, a large random number will be used

Creating a CSR

A certificate signing request (CSR) is a block of encoded text provided to the CA for signing. It contains information that the CA will use to create your certificate.

openssl req -new -key priv.key -out req.csr


Signing a CSR

openssl ca -in req.csr -extensions v3_ca -out newcert.pem

ca can be used to sign certificate requests and generate CRLs; it also maintains a text database of issued certificates and their status

-in <filename>   a single certificate request to be signed by the CA

-extensions v3_ca    certificate extensions to be added when a certificate is issued; in this case v3

-out <filename>    the output file


Bonus: Generating a password with OpenSSL

This command is not required for LIPC-3 but I still find it useful.

openssl rand -base64 32

 rand    outputs n pseudo-random bytes

-base64    perform base64 encoding on the output

<num>    number of bytes to generate



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